Thursday, September 13, 2018


VITE: bietet Lösungen, indem es den besten Fahrern einer Insel ermöglicht, Sie mitzunehmen


Vite eine neue Generation von Peer ridesharingservice unterstützt von Vitecoin Token-to-Peer,
Jeder kann leicht und bequem mit seinen mobilen Geräten Taxis bestellen
Vermeiden traditionellen Service behandelt den Fahrer mit Armen und verlassen sich auf ihre geringen Einkommen, ihr Geschäft zu erhöhen, indem ein Modell anbieten, die für beide Seiten von Vorteil für den Fahrer ist, den Fahrer und den beteiligten Städten. Im Gegensatz zu den massiven Kürzungen von Wettbewerbern auferlegt, schnitt bis zu einem Viertel des Umsatztreiber, der Fahrer Vite halten, was sie verdienen, zu 5-10% des Einkommens aufholen kommt in Vite Impact Fund (VIF), hält den Technologie-Infrastruktur-Service und Fond soziale Ursachen . Wir glauben, dass große Organisationen von dem Ziel geleitet sein müssen, ein gesundes Gewinnmodell zu schaffen. Vitecoin den Aufwand der Durchführung Bargeld, Kreditkarten entfernen und eine Schicht aus führenden digitaler Währung Siedlung zwischen dem Fahrer und dem Fahrer werden.


  • Unbegrenzte Zahlungen

Die einheitliche Währung, die von allen Vite-Fahrern und -Treibern weltweit akzeptiert wird, ermöglicht ein schnelles Wachstum in der gesamten aufstrebenden Stadt

  • Freiheit des Komforts

Vitecoin beseitigt den Aufwand, das meiste Bargeld für Zahlungen sowie Kreditkartenbeschränkungen und Gebühren zu tragen.

  • Freiheit in der Datenkontrolle

Benutzer geben ihre persönlichen Daten nicht mit Vitecoin auf. Es gibt keine unterschiedlichen Datenmanipulationen von Drittanbietern durch Kreditkarten.
Persönlicher Verkauf und Wert
20. August 2018
Anzahl der verkauften Token
10.000.000 VT (5%)
31. August 2018
1 ETH = 10000 VT
Akzeptable Währung
Token-Verteilung - Zuweisung der Fondspriorität


Mit Hilfe unseres Teams, der Beitragszahler und der Investoren ist dies ein Meilenstein, den wir erreichen wollen.

1. Quartal 2017

Anhebung der vorfinanzierten Finanzierung durch lokale Angels

Q2 2017

Vite MVP-Entwicklung beginnt.

Q3 von 2017

Gestartete eine erfolgreiche persönliche Beta mit mehr als 1000 Kunden in Mauritius.

Q3 von 2017

Vite wurde auf Mauritius gegründet.

Q3 2018

Vite beteiligt sich am Aeternity Venture Incubator Programm, Bulgarien.

Q3 2018

Private Swap-Token-Ereignisse

(20. August - 31. August 2018)

Q3 2018

Token Vorschauprogramm

(1. Oktober bis 31. Oktober 2018)

Q4 von 2018

Allgemeine Einführung von Vite auf Android in Mauritius und Südafrika

Q4 von 2018

Ereignis des Hauptaustausch-Tokens

(15. November bis 22. Dezember)

Q4 von 2018

Ereignis des Hauptaustausch-Tokens

(13. November bis 22. Dezember)

Q4 von 2018

Vitecoin trifft lokale Börsen.

Q2 von 2019

Vite macht ein soziales Projekt.

Q3 von 2019

Vite erstreckt sich über ganz Afrika und Asien.


VITE bietet Lösungen, indem es den besten Fahrern einer Insel ermöglicht, Sie mitzunehmen. Wir sind nicht nur um Ihre Sicherheit besorgt, wir sind PRIORITIZE.
Die Vite-Anwendung, die auf Android und iOS verfügbar ist, ist eine mobile Anwendung, die Peer-to-Peer-Fahrten ermöglicht, indem sie Passagiere verbindet, die eine Fahrt mit dem Fahrer brauchen, der ein Auto auf dem Knopf hat.
MVP hat Beta mit ausgewählten Kunden auf der Savanneninsel von Indien erfolgreich getestet. Unsere integrierten revolutionären Vitecoin-Zahlungen werden vor der Markteinführung sowohl für Fahrer- als auch für Fahreranwendungen zugänglich sein.
Öffnen Sie die Anwendung (automatisch übernommen)
Geben Sie den Drop-Off für die geschätzten Preise ein
Tippen Sie auf um zu beantragen
Der nächste Fahrer erhält und kommt zur Einnahme
Angekommen Bezahlen Sie mit Vitecoin oder Fiat. Treiberlevel


Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie uns bitte unter folgendem Link:
BY :Ziyad07
profil :;u=1972001
eth : 0x1C814128C23DbFB49b88d66F4AB74E2e601985C8


Hasil gambar untuk icovo bounty

ICOVO is the first and only ICO platform in the world that can actualize healthy ICOs. The essence of the service is the DAICOVO smart contract, which is based on the DAICO concept, which was advocated by the co-founder Ethereum Vitalik Buterin in January 2018.

Every government has developed regulations to create a healthy environment for ICOs, but this is difficult to achieve for unlimited ICOs only by using centralized regulation.

We will solve project fraud and decrease motivation - issues raised by the ICO - through the decentralized DAICO approach.

ICOVO includes the following services: DAICOVO platform for running DAICOs, ICOVO applications that include wallets, KYC / AML functions, blockchain management, and IPFS. The project also offers an ICO website that will allow ICO lists and will provide recommendations from the project team.
Project advisor:
  •  Dr. Tom Frey - Legal Counsel. Partnered at Baumgartner Mächler Rechtsanwälte AG. Tom is also a senior lawyer at Baumgartner Mächler Lawyers Ltd.
  • Quek Li Fei - Legal Counsel. Partnered at Colin Ng & Partners.

Project partner:
  • Alchemy Baru - a security audit company;
  • CoinDeal - the exchange platform for cryptocurrency.

This project is basically a platform that facilitates the running of the DAICO campaign, as well as consulting and investment activities. This platform has a mobile application interface for DAICO (proposals and voting)
Project strength:
  • the market isn't too competitive.
  • the market is growing fast.
  • the project has an experienced team.
Project weaknesses:
  • The absence of MVP, but with the project code, available on GitHub. According to the DAICO interface integrated application team, it will be released on June 22.
  • there are no strategic partners.
According to Ernst & Young, the total amount of funds collected by ICO has exceeded $ 3.7 billion, which is double the amount of venture investment. Moreover, this market trend is expected to continue. In accordance with their Global Crowdfunding Market report, crowdfunding market is projected to grow at 26.87% CAGR from 2016 to 2020.
According to figures provided by Ernst & Young, the total funding withdrawn by the ICO now reaches $ 4 billion, double the amount of venture capital invested in blockchain startups. This figure includes $ 0.5 billion that the Chinese government requires companies to return to investors at the time of their ICO ban.
According to ICOBox, the company that provides ICO services, in Q3 about 80% of all startup investments are obtained from large investors, especially Chinese private investment funds, hedge funds, and venture companies specializing in cryptocurrency. The rest comes from retail investors.
According to the team's analysis, the ICO market grew by 3800% during the period from 2016 to 2017. The value of 2017 was $ 3.7 billion. As for the number of ICOs, in 2017 there were five more crowdfunding campaigns in 2016. The increasing number also increased: In 2016 the ICO attracted $ 2.1 million, in 2017 this number increased seven times and the amount collected exceeded $ 15.7 million.
At the same time, the market for ICO support services is also growing; according to team projections, the value will reach $ 771.5 trillion in 2021.
  • Coinet (CFP) - a platform that allows innovation technology projects to find investors or run DAICO campaigns specifically to raise funds for their development.
  • Coincrowd - a protocol for running DAICO.
  • The Renitheum - protocol for running DAICO..
This project is based on blockchain technology and uses smart contracts. DAICOVO's smart contract consists of four individual intelligent contracts: A sign purchase contract, a sign sale contract, a token issuance contract and a voting contract.
These contracts will function as follows:
  • Mode of contribution. "All token publishers must provide the following information about their tokens: name, symbol, decimal number, amount of inventory, hard cover, sales schedule, sales model, close per person, initial funds, and tap. After learning this information, Investors will be able to purchase these tokens by transferring ETH or OVO to the address of the smart contract.The ICOVO application wallet will enable them to invest and manage the assets they have purchased.The wallet can generate an unlimited number of addresses (public and private key pairs).
  • Voting Mode ". After transferring the ICOVO fee to the address of the smart contract, the token issuer will be able to withdraw the proposed funds. The token holder will have the right to submit a proposal and the right to vote. There are two types of proposals that can be made - increase the tap or self-destruction of the contract .
ICOVO is a versatile ICO support service that includes the following elements:
  1. DAICOVO platform. This allows issuance of tokens for ICO purposes using compatible DAICO ERC20 / ERC223 platforms.
  2. ICOVO web. This is an ICO list website that offers the following services: Documentation reviews, legal checks, technical support from DAICOVO parameter adjustments for deployment, and distribution of British, Japanese, German, and Italian press releases in Switzerland, Japan and Singapore.
  3.   ICOVO application. It offers the following functions:
  •  wallet to manage compatible ERC20 / ERC223 tokens.
  •  KYC / AML for ICO investors and project founders.
  •  Whitepaper version on IPFS and blockchain.
  •  voting feature is available for investors.
This project uses the latest technology that has proven effective.
Technical road map
The team plans to further develop the technology, collect the data needed and then apply the following solutions:
  • Q2 2018: ICOVO App release version 1.0.0, wallet, Dashboard for photo ID uploads, and ICOVO Web version 1.0.0.
  • Q3 2018: release of ICOVO App version 1.1.0, DAICOVO version 1.1.0.
  • Q4 2018: release of ICOVO Web version 1.2.0, ICOVO App version 1.2.0 with listing options, DAICO version 1.2.0 with parameter adjustment options.
  • Q1 2019: launch of the ICO platform, ICOVO Web version 1.2.1, ICOVO App version 1.2.1, DAICOVO version 1.2.1.
The OVO token is a utility token that can be used as a payment tool on the platform. This can also be used for investments with discounts, to pay fees, access services, etc.
Tokens and capital distribution
Tokens and funds will be allocated as follows:
  • Q2 2018: events in Zug, Tokyo and Singapore.
  • - Q3 2018: social media marketing campaign.
  • - Q4 2018: Launch of Zug cooperation.
  • - Q2 2019: Launching work with Tokyo.
  • - Q3 2019: global deployment of projects.
You can contact the developer via the following link:

AUTOR : Ziyad07
profil :;u=1972001
eth : 0x1C814128C23DbFB49b88d66F4AB74E2e601985C8

Wednesday, September 12, 2018



Hasil gambar untuk DEALJOY BOUNTY
The internet has revolutionized how we shop for our necessities as well as luxuries. Ever since the advent of Amazon as a shop for anything online platform, millions of people have ditched the brick and mortar stores to buy and order items from the comfort of their homes or offices. This not only saves precious commute time for the consumers but also opens a whole new world of online offers, discounts and cashbacks for the customers.

Dealjoy works between Clients, Traders and Exchange

The Problem:
There are multiple online shopping platforms that co exists today. All these platforms want to capture the growing market but they don't have good enough marketing techniques to do so. People flock to such platforms that can offer lowest prices for products while keeping the customer service top notch. The dearth of such established online platforms should be addressed in an efficient way. The loyalists of any shopping platform should be rewarded for every purchase made using the platform. This will address not the problem of customer retention but will also increase the sales made through the platform.
The Solution:
We have all heard about cryptocurrencies and the enormous gains they have posted in recent times. Values of cryptocurrencies soared almost 4 to 5 times in a very short span of time. Now imagine this: rewarding loyalists of online shopping platform with cryptocurrencies for every purchases made on the platform. This will be a real game changer. The Dealjoy platform is aiming to achieve exactly this. It wants to reward its loyal users with cryptocurrencies for purchasing products using the platform.
The team and the ICO:
The team leading the project aims to fund the initial development, maintenance and general outreach through an Initial Coin Offering (ICO). Investors can buy the official token by participating in the ICO.
The token will be used for all transactions performed across the ecosystem. Investors can exchange their tokens for other cryptocurrencies through major exchanges. The token is based on the Ethereum blockchain and is a standard ERC 20 token.
The team has multiple years of experience across several sectors. The board of advisors to the project bring in world class strategy to the project. Together, the team can easily deliver on what it has promised.
Website -
Whitepaper -
Telegram -
BY : Ziyad07
profil :;u=1972001 
eth : 0x1C814128C23DbFB49b88d66F4AB74E2e601985C8

Tuesday, September 11, 2018



Hasil gambar untuk BOUNTY HUMANCOIN

Humancoin is a breakthrough blockchain project, which unites philanthropists and recipients of funds on a single platform in the most convenient and transparent way.
Donors (consisting of one of three of us globally) can quickly make donations around the world, monitor their purchases online and also receive discounts from platform partners. Charity projects can receive funds with minimal overheads and in a short time in a comfortable currency.

Humancoin is a revolutionary platform that transforms the philanthropic industry for good, which was specifically created to work in synergy with the e-commerce and cryptocurrency markets, which together have a combined value of $ 3.5 trillion!
The Humancoin token can easily be converted to tokens, miles, bonuses, and other coupons. Owner tokens will be encouraged to hold them to take advantage of attractive benefits, and this provides stable long-term demand. Because the number of partners and the scale of cooperation in the Humancoin network grew, the popularity of tokens grew.

This is the first in the history of the blockchain project, which can be a global aggregator of e-commerce loyalty programs. with the Association's philanthropic token providing unique advantages in developing loyalty programs with partners to create strong emotional resonance Rather than competing with existing programs, Humancoin marks can be easily integrated into existing systems - all that is needed - is to set conversion rates

Humancoin's unique feature
  • This is the first blockchain project that has the potential to become an aggregator of global e-commerce loyalty programs
  • Associations with philanthropy give their tokens a unique advantage in developing a loyalty program with partners that creates a strong emotional resonance
  • token Humancoin is easily integrated into existing systems - all that is needed is setting the conversion rate

There is no doubt that there are major developments in the method of donations, but even with that, the charity industry has not been able to overcome the main obstacles.
Donors, most of whom are private companies, have trust issues when they contribute.
It is also known that most of the money is spent on charitable foundations.
Operating costs of a transaction are transaction costs.


Long charity chains consisting of banks, NGOs, state agencies and law firms will be brought to the end by distributed ledger technology. Using the blockchain platform will be able to provide a digital mechanism that will be used to record and view any transaction.

This new technology, on a larger scale, will be able to facilitate the development of direct financing platforms. Philanthropists and the benefits of selling their funds.
The growth of the charity industry must be greatly increased, because of the huge benefits5b1fa99627465845d8a3c1ff_solution%20main

How it works ?

This platform provides an opportunity to fully track online donations, as well as vote and rank projects and philanthropic along with other features
There is also the option to receive a receipt for each donation that will be used for tax reduction purposes depending on the donor tax jurisdiction
Future project expansion will be financed by 5% generated from funds collected for charity projects, which are 4 times lower than the market average.

There is also an opportunity to receive a receipt for each donation that will be used for tax reduction purposes, depending on the tax jurisdiction of the donor Future project expansion will be financed at 5% - from funds collected for charity projects, which are 4 times lower than average market average.
Humancoin will be an open platform for P2P, which will receive direct donations. This project will not be tied to any organization, because there are so many charitable organizations around the world.
  • The use of artificial tokens received will not be required for charity operations. Each project based on the platform will provide convenient specifications for the type of fiat or crypto currency that he wants to use.
  • Crypto currencies and the most popular currencies are easily managed by the Humancoin platform. There are usually no restrictions for projects and even users when using currencies.
  • The priority of this project remains integration and compatibility with existing popular market solutions.
  • There will be a limited fee of 5% for horticulture to raise funds, and this will be used for platform support in the future, but the commission billed by the existing charity funds can reach up to 20-30%.
  •   The platform will be able to use the most functional and easy to use interface functions.
  •   If a donor wants, he can decide to leave funds in a group of people, the system will automatically allocate money to the highest rated projects from the platform community.
  • The first platform for professional recruitment will be Humancoin.
  • Additional options will also be available on the platform, so users can also pay Humancoin tokens, in which case additional benefits will be highlighted.

Humancoin Tokin, who will be bought at the sign sale will have a lottery award for loyalty, which means that they can be used to get points, miles, bonuses, coupons from Humancoin partners, and they can also be sold on cryptoobmenah. At the end of the sale, Tokins will be available for purchase, and they can also be obtained or obtained with the same portion in each donation in half with a weighted average exchange rate.

Hasil gambar untuk BOUNTY HUMANCOIN

Funds collected at Token Sale determine the company's financial strategy and will be spent on project development in the 4th quarter 2018-2019. The ongoing Humancoin operation maintenance will be financed from a 5% fee from fundraising for a charity project.

Hasil gambar untuk BOUNTY HUMANCOIN


Hasil gambar untuk BOUNTY HUMANCOIN

Technical documentation:


BY : Ziyad07
profil :;u=1972001
ETH : 0x1C814128C23DbFB49b88d66F4AB74E2e601985C8


VITE: bietet Lösungen, indem es den besten Fahrern einer Insel ermöglicht, Sie mitzunehmen WAS IST DIE VITE? Vite eine neue Gener...